Arrowhead Head Start


   The mission of Arrowhead Head Start works with young children and families on healthy prenatal and early childhood development, school readiness, and supporting their success in life.

Program Services

Our program serves pregnant mothers, children birth to 5 years old, and their families.

Our services are more than early childhood education!  Our programming includes health, nutrition, mental health, disability, &  family support services.

Our program has income guidelines with limited opportunities for families who are over income.

We provide services to children with special needs or disabilities.

We learn  ~  We play  ~  We have fun

Our Program Goals

 Child playing with blocksThe program will strengthen children's mental and behavioral health outcomes so they are able to learn and develop positive social connections.

The program will strengthen and support our Arrowhead Head Start staff team.

The program will expand children's experiences with high quality early learning to prepare them for Kindergarten.

The program will strengthen connections and support for families to improve their wellbeing.

Click HERE for a copy of our Annual Program Report.
The Report is updated annually in November.


December is National Toy Safety Month!


Toy Safety     


Each year, approximately 3 billion toys are sold in the United States.  While meant to be fun, entertaining, and a learning object, some toys can be dangerous.  Please make responsible selections when purchasing toys for children.   Click HERE for tips from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commision about toy safety.





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