Community Food Forest & Gardens
Food Forest
The Rutabaga Project planted a Community Food Forest in 2019 across the street from the Salvation Army at 507 S 12th Ave W in Virginia, MN. A food forest is a large perennial garden made up of edible plants, bushes and trees. Perennials are plants that come back every year, so once a food forest is planted, it will continue to grow each year and bear more fruits, herbs, nuts, and berries.
Our food forest contains 24 fruit and nut trees, many berry bushes, and some raised bed planters with annual plants. Community volunteers maintain the food forest and the site is accessible for anyone to harvest. As the food forest matures and the plants spread and grow larger, the food forest will yield more and more food for the whole community to harvest and enjoy. We hope it will eventually become a gathering place for folks who like fresh local produce and a place for people of all ages to learn more about cultivating and growing plants that thrive in our unique climate.
Since we’re in one of the coldest gardening zones (USDA zone 3), we planted trees, shrubs and berries that will survive our winters and come back each spring.
Growing Together - Virginia Community Gardens
The Rutabaga Project supports the Iron Range Partnership for Sustianability’s community gardens. For more information on the community gardens, visit: