Groceries to Go



Groceries to Go Marketing 1


Program DescriptionLady Shopping
The Groceries to Go Program provides a grocery service to homebound older adults unable to manage grocery shopping. The service includes taking grocery orders, shopping, and delivery of groceries to the clients’ home. Orders are taken every Tuesday by staff and volunteers. Volunteers shop and deliver groceries directly to the clients’ home. Groceries are usually delivered on Wednesday or Thursday.

Who is Eligible?
Homebound seniors over the age of 60 living in communities accross the Iron Range.

How do I pay for my Groceries?
Along with the groceries, clients receive an itemized grocery receipt and an envelope addressed to the store. Payment for the groceries is mailed directly to the store. 

Besides paying for the groceries is there an additional cost?
Funding from the Older Americans Act requires the program offer clients an opportunity to cost share or contribute for the service. On a quarterly basis, the program mails a cost share letter to clients that states the suggested contribution based on household size and reported income. No one is denied service due to their refusal or inability to contribute.

How do I apply?
Contact Senior and Nutrition Services at 218-735-6832

Volunteer Information:

The program recruits and schedules community volunteers to shop and deliver groceries. No money changes hands as payment for the groceries is sent directly to the store. Groceries to Go volunteers help older adults remain active and independent in their homes. Questions? Contact Senior and Nutrition Services at 218-735-6832

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