St. Louis County (excluding Duluth):

Program Description: 

AEOA’s certified navigators provide free face-to-face application and enrollment assistance into health coverage through the MNsure marketplace.

For more information you can go to the MNsure website at

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A core component of the coalition’s efforts is to support a network of MNsure trained and certified navigators. Navigators are available at multiple sites to assist community members, free of charge, with enrollment into health coverage programs available through MNsure.





Open Enrollment: Open enrollment is a set time period when households can purchase or renew qualified health plans through the MNsure marketplace. Open enrollment starts November 1st each year. The end-date for Minnesota may differ from other states and will be determined late summer.
Year-Round Enrollment: Households who qualify for public health care programs, MinnesotaCare and Medical Assistance, can enroll at any time.
Special Enrollment Period: Allows individuals to enroll outside of the open enrollment period if they have a qualifying event. In general, an individual has 60 days following a qualifying event to enroll through the MNsure marketplace. For more information on eligibility, visit

Find Free Help Near You

Because enrolling in health insurance can be confusing, there are free, local assisters who can help.
Contact a Navigator Navigators are trained individuals from trusted organizations that provide application and enrollment help for MinnesotaCare, Medical Assistance, and qualified health plans.
Contact a Broker Brokers are trained and licensed professionals who offer free enrollment assistance. Brokers are a good resource for individuals who need help determining which Qualified Health Plan is best for them.

To find an assister near you, visit or contact the United Way 2-1-1 service at 1-800-543-7709 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




St Louis County

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