AEOA is looking for HVAC, Electrical, Plumbing and Asbestos Contractors for it's Weatherization Assistance Program.
Contact Abby Adams for more information at 218-735-6822 or toll free at (800) 662-5711 ext 6822


Services are available to eligible homeowners of Cook, Lake, and St. Louis Counties.


Program Description: 
Our highly qualified energy Auditors evaluate your house and then experienced and skilled work crews will complete improvements to reduce heating costs. Services are free for low-income households who qualify.

Services offered to eligible households:
• Client Education
• Energy Audits to evaluate energy use
• Exterior wall and attic insulation
• Air sealing
• Test, repair, and/or replace home heating systems to ensure efficiency and safety.




Weatherizing a house



Who is Eligible?
Homeowners and renters who are at or below 200% of federal poverty income (see income guidelines below), residing in Lake, Cook or St. Louis Counties.  
Priority is given to households with at least one elderly person, or disabled person, or young children, and to customers with the highest heating costs.


Household SizeAnnual Income1 Month Income
1$35,799 $2,983
2$46,814 $3,901
3$57,829 $4,819
4$68,845 $5,737
5$79,860 $6,655
6$90,875 $7,572
7$94,680 $7,890
8$105,440 $8,787
9$116,200 $9,683
10$126,960 $10,580

*Based on 200% Federal Poverty 


To apply for Weatherization Please click on the application below.

For Weatherization Questions Contact:
Abby Adams
Weatherization Office Coordinator
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Program Description:
 Arrowhead Weatherization is your resource for cost effective insight to energy efficient solutions to energy efficient home upgrades.
We can help you pinpoint where your house is losing energy by having a Certified AEOA Weatherization Energy Auditor give you a professional report of what the issues are and how they need to be addressed.

Even though we offer a complete start-to-finish solution, we also do work on an as requested basis. Call for a quote on any work that you wish to have done.
Daniel Beach
(800)662-5711 ext. 6952
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