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Classroom Orientation Attendance Video - Everyday Counts Video

Head Start Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center-  This website has excellent resources for all Early Head Start and Head Start Staff.  Information about screening, disabilities, learning environments, family engagement, parenting, pregnancy, health and mental health services, program monitoring, and MUCH more!  You will also find excellent information to provide and guide the parents/guardians of our children (including pregnant moms!)

Baby Navigator - What every parent needs to know about early learning  -  Providing resources and tools for families to celebrate and support their baby's early learning and nurture the development of language and success in school...and in life.

ONE WINDOW OF OPPORTUNITY -Video that supports the importance of Head Start.

CHANGE THE FIRST FIVE YEARS AND YOU CHANGE EVERYTHING - Video by Ounce of Prevention on the effect of early childhood programswith families living in poverty.

DON'T WORRY, I GOT THIS - Video by Ounce of Prevention on what children and families can expect and will learn by being involved in an early childhood program such as Head Start.


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